OUTREACH South Africa
Central to the mandate and vision of the Women’s International Zionist Organisation (WIZO) is doing what matters and making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Through the kindness of generous donors, WIZO SA has been able to purchase top of the range, Israeli-designed wheelchairs for children and distribute them across South Africa.
These wheelchairs have been designed, developed and manufactured by Israeli NGO, Wheelchairs of Hope, an organisation that seeks to provide wheelchairs to children in need of mobility. They can be used for children between 5-9 years of age and up to 40kg who have enough independent back strength to support themselves in a sitting position.

WIZO SA is honoured to be part of something that enables children with disabilities to become mobile, remain healthy and participate more fully in community life.

Local Community Outreach
Bnoth Zion WIZO’ Cape Town’s outreach arm makes a big impact in Khayelitsha and other townships in the area. Members help to support soup kitchens and creches by supplying provisions, toys, books and food. They have also worked to establish gardening projects in order to achieve food security and sustainability.
This work helps to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most, breaking down socio-economic barriers and furthering the vision of WIZO.
WIZO Johannesburg
Local Community Christmas Party
Each year WIZO Johannesburg hosts a fun filled Christmas party for children from an underprivileged community. There is always something yummy for their tummy and our resident SANTA spreads his cheer and hands out gifts for each child.
For some of these children this party may be their only Christmas celebration, but we couldn’t have done it without your help!