October 7 – One Year On

Today we commemorate one year since the terrible atrocities of October 7th.  It is clear that we have all been deeply affected by the events of that fateful day.  It was an awakening.  An extremely rude awakening that will stay with us forever.

The actions of the barbarians who carried out these brutal attacks, who boasted about their actions and who vowed that they would never recognise the legitimacy and existence of our Jewish state, have made us fight harder, and made us stronger in our beliefs and actions that the State of Israel is here to stay!  

As antisemitism and anti-Jewish sentiment continues to rear its ugly head around the world, we stand together now more than ever – never to be divided!  We are more determined, more passionate and much stronger advocates for Judaism, for Israel and as a result, especially for the good of our WIZO.

WIZO continues to campaign for a positive and happier future for children, women and families in Israel so that they are provided with the education and social welfare that they need.  This makes a tangible and meaningful difference in their lives, and in addition, and most essential, in the lives of future generations in Israel.

WIZO will continue to strengthen and bolster our worldwide presence so that those who need it most in our beloved Israel will be empowered to pursue their dreams and make a constructive difference.  Together, we will demonstrate unity, resilience and hope for a brighter future.

We pray for the release of the remaining hostages, who have become our family over the last year, as well as for the safety of the soldiers and people of Israel.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Warm regards


Shelley Trope-Friedman

President WIZO South Africa